Elevator "Thought Experiments"; Gravitational Red Shift, Light Bending. 电梯思想实验,重力红移,光弯曲。
The Study of Anodic Alumina Oxide Template about Absorbing Spectral and Red Shift AAO模板吸收光谱变化及红移现象研究
If cosine theta is negative, then the object is receding from you, then lambda prime is larger than lambda, and we call that red shift. 如果cosθ为负数,物体离开你们,λ撇,大于λ,我们叫它红色偏移光。
The increase of conjugation of the polymer backbone due to metal ion-induced conformational change is attributed to the red shift of emission. 萤光偏移可能是金属离子与取代基产生错合而让主轴变得更平坦而增强共轭性所致。
Abstract: This article consists of three parts: the first part of the full argument that the traditional on the "slow moving clock," transverse Doppler shift as the" red shift "was completely wrong; 摘要:这篇文章包括三部分内容:第一部分以充分的论据证明,传统关于“动钟变慢”、横向多普勒频移为“红移”的说法彻底错了;
If they go away from you, you see red shift. 如果它远离,你看到红光偏移。
After the antigen-antibody reaction, the higher light emmision is observed and the reflected spectrum also has a red shift. 实验结果表明加入生物分子后多孔硅发光峰消失,抗原抗体反应后发光强度增强,反射谱红移。
It is pointed that there is some ambiguity and confusion in the expressions of the gravitational red shift in the writings about the general relativity. 指出了现有广义相对论专著中关于引力红移论述存在的含糊和混乱,并对这些含混内容给予了澄清。
With the temperature increasing, the peak energies for both emissions show a red shift. Moreover, the yellow emission intensity decreases while the violet emission intensity increases. 随着温度升高,这二种发光峰对应的峰值能量均红移,黄光发射峰的发光强度降低而紫外发光峰的强度则增强。
The red shift of C-O-C stretching vibration frequencies of IR reveals that the coordination interaction may take place. 配位体的C-O-C红外伸缩振动频率向红移,提供了两者发生配位的迹象。
The influence on a red shift of entire spectra and a decrease in A β/ A α was discussed. 阐述了诸因素对谱带红移和Aβ/Aα值降低的影响。
The results showed that increased ammonia concentration caused the maximum wavelength red shift anddecreased the absorbance. 结果表明,氨浓度增大,该生成物的最大吸收波长红移且吸收度减小。
With tile aid of Doppler red shift and gravitational red shift, the property of quasar spectrum is analysed, and research on quasar is prospected. 用多普勒红移和引力红移分析类星体的光谱特征及类星体的性质,并对类星体研究的前景作了展望。
The coupling effect and quantum limiting effect between Mo and nanotube lead to red shift of absorption edge. 因Mo与纳米管间的耦合及量子限域效应,吸收边红移。
XRD and Raman spectrum all show that InP nano-crystalline grains are taking shape. and observed a red shift and broadening of the Raman peak. XRD和Raman谱都表明复合薄膜中形成了InP纳米晶粒,观测到了Raman峰的红移和宽化;
Comparing with general bulk-oxide powders, nano-powders of oxide-materials exhibit blue and red shift in their optical absorption spectra. 纳米氧化物粉体与常规氧化物粉体相比呈现出吸收峰发生红移、蓝移等特异性能。
The vibration frequencies of C-O and N-O exhibit blue shift and red shift after adsorption respectively, we first give the mechanism of charge transfer and σ bond bend to explain the situation. CO和NO吸附后振动频率分别发生蓝移和红移,本研究首次提出了导致CO频率蓝移和NO红移的电荷转移与σ键弯曲机理。
With the strengthening of coordination ability of the solvent, the λ max and λ em had red shift. 随着溶剂配合能力的增加,λmax、λem都发生红移。
Variation of fluorescence background in the Raman spectrum was investigated versus laser power, which was measured on Cd 0.96 Zn 0.04 Te surface at low temperatures. The fluorescence signals burning out were observed, accompanied by a red shift of the material's phonon peaks. 研究了Cd0.96Zn0.04Te表面低温Raman散射光谱中的样品荧光背景随激光功率的变化行为,观察到了荧光的猝灭现象和同时伴随的声子峰红移。
The formation of the mercury nanoshell resulted in a red shift and damping of the surface plasmon resonance of the inner gold nanoparticles. 研究结果表明,汞壳层的形成导致了内部金粒子表面等离子体共振的谱峰红移和强度衰减。
The causes of influence on the blue and red shift of absorption peak were discussed with inspecting the examples of nano-oxide materials in this paper. 通过对波谱吸收机理和纳米材料特性的综合考察和分析,以及结合具体纳米氧化物材料的讨论,给出了导致蓝移、红移的主要因素。
The modified RF plasma method enabled TiO2 to display a red shift of the response spectrum. 提出了射频等离子体使TiO2对光谱响应红移的修饰方法。
The blue shift occurs at the on-axis point, while the red shift can occur at the off-axis points. 光束光谱在轴上点发生蓝移,轴外点发生红移。
Abnormal red shift of the photoluminescence peak of the spherical aggregates was observed. 并且观察到了球形聚集体具有反常的光谱红移现象。
As the substrate temperature increased, the intensity of this peak decreased and the peak position had red shift. 随着衬底温度的升高,这个发光峰的强度减弱并且峰值发生红移。
Red shift with decreasing temperature is also observed from its spectrum. 而且其发光峰随温度的降低逐渐红移。
The transmission and the reflection spectra presented a red shift. 样品的透射光谱和反射光谱都产生了红移现象。
The fluorescent properties could be influenced by solvent polarity and as the polarity of solvent increasing, the fluorescent strength of substances enhanced, the largest emanation wavelength red shift happened, the largest fluorescence excitation wavelength blue shift occurred, but fluorescence quantum turnout had little change. 随着溶剂极性增加,物质的荧光强度也有所增加,最大荧光发射波长发生了红移,最大荧光激发波长发生了蓝移,但是荧光量子产率变化并不大。
We observe red shift of the broad peak with increasing annealing temperatures, which may be related to both quantum size effect and rutile TiO2. 随着退火温度的提高,宽峰发生红移,可能与量子尺寸效应和金红石相TiO2的双重作用有关。